Miss Beddoe
Year 6 Teacher
Mrs A Skelton
Teaching Assistant
Miss Beddoe and Mrs Skelton welcome you to Year 6!
We hope you had a lovely Summer holiday and are now ready for a great Year of learning and the build-up to SATs.
We have lots of exciting and interesting things to cover this year. As we start our Autumn term in Year 6, we will learn about the rainforest in geography. In science, we will be learning all about evolution and inheritance.
This term, our PE lessons will be on a Wednesday. Please ensure your PE kit is in school on your peg with the correct School PE kit – we do have spare PE kit if needed. Sometimes, we may move PE depending on weather or slot in an extra session, so having it in school on your peg ready is ideal!
We will also be having forest school sessions this half term with Mr Spriggs on a Tuesday. Please remember to bring outdoor clothes and shoes with you to change into on a Tuesday and come into school in your school uniform.
Homework will be set on a Friday and is due back in the following Thursday. Those who are unable to complete their homework will be given time with an adult on a Friday Lunchtime to complete their homework. Remember to practise your times tables at home on Times Table Rockstars and read every day too!
We are looking forward to a fantastic year!