We are an Early Excellence Partner School 2024-25

The School Day

Below you can see the outline to a typical KS1 and KS2 school day

The school gates will be opened by a member of staff at 8:40am. 


KS1 and KS2 children arrive at school via the pedestrian walkway with the school day begins at 8.45 am.


We have a Breakfast Club which is open term time only from 7.30 am until 8.40 am each morning.  To book a place, please contact Mrs Taylor in the office. Breakfast Club costs £2.50 (which includes breakfast). It is bookable on a weekly basis via the Microsoft forms.

KS1 School day - The KS1 School week lasts for 32.5 hours.
8.45 am Registration opens
9:00am Maths
10:00am Break time
10:15am Phonics
11:00am Writing
12:00pm Lunchtime
12:55pm Maths fluency
1:00pm Afternoon lesson 1
1:50pm Afternoon Break
2:00pm Afternoon lesson 2
3:00pm Class story
3:15pm  End of the School Day
KS2 School day - The KS2 School week lasts for 32.5 hours.
8:45am School day begins (Registration)
8:55am Registration closes
9:00am Whole class reading
9:45am Writing
10:45am Break
11:00am Maths
12:00pm Lunchtime
12:55pm Maths fluency
1:00pm Afternoon lesson 1
2:00pm Afternoon lesson 2
3:00pm Class story
3:15pm  End of the School Day

Collective Worship

Collective Worship is daily requirement in all schools and assemblies take place during the afternoon each day to ensure valuable core subject learning, morning maths and English, is not affected by the time taken out to attend assembly. 
Each Friday we hold a celebration assembly at 2.45 pm to celebrate the achievements made by pupils throughout the week, these will be held virtually.

Bugle School
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