We are an Early Excellence Partner School 2024-25



Bugle school is committed to ensuring its’ children are confident and competent to enter a world where there is a high reliance and use of computers in everyday life. From completing their own homework to beginning in the workplace with a solid foundation of how to use a computer’s apps to achieve a wide range of outcomes.


The national curriculum (2014) defines three clear aspects of computing curriculum: Computer Science (CS), Information Technology (IT) and Digital Literacy (DL) that are taught termly progressing skills through out each term and year group. Children will be given the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding in each area from the Foundation Stage to Year 6.


In EYFS and Key Stage 1 the children will begin each year by learning about the parts of a computer and where in the community they may find different types of computers. They will learn that computers follow precise instructions, experience what happens when the instructions are ambiguous and understand how to make specific instructions. They will secure a strong foundation in file management which underpins much of the daily use of computers.  They will be taught to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.


In Key stage 2 the children begin each year developing digital literacy skills ensuring they will use technology safely and communicate respectfully and responsibly, knowing a range of ways to report concerns about the content they view. Children will further develop their programming skills to include controlling or simulating physical systems by decomposing them into smaller parts to aid sequencing, selection, and repetition in programs. They will have to be inquisitive and resilient to debug programs they have created. Children will deepen their understanding of how networking and the internet works, including search engines and their reliability as well as various apps, some of which work over the internet to achieve specific goals.

Curriculum Coverage document
Below you will find the schools curriculum coverage document. If you would like more information on any of the content covered, contact Mr D Taylor, our Computing Lead.

Bugle School
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